In the beginning…

One fine night, whilst trawling through the internet in search of material to procrastinate on, I stumbled upon a list of 25 Everyday Things You Never Knew Had Names. Some I had known through trivia, some I had heard of, and sitting at No. 20 was a word that I had never heard of, but changed my life forever the minute I read its definition.

Who knew that my chronic inability to disengage myself from the warm embrace of my blankets and the soft caress of my pillow had an official name?

Now, with a name to my condition and armed with the knowledge that I was not alonediary of a dysaniac happened.

To be fair, most of the driving force of the actual creation of this ‘diary’ happened because I didn’t want to upload my life onto Facebook. More precisely, I didn’t want to create a cospage for my cosplay photos. I wanted to put it somewhere where I could post other photos, thoughts, feels, videos, and a blog happened to accommodate it all. Someone suggested using tumblr, but that dark hole of the internet sucks soul that I’m not too willing to give up.

And thus, wordpress was chosen, a blog was created, and pages and posts are being and will be written.



Tell me what you think!